Cleft Lip And Palate Pdf Download
This chapter is a comprehensive overview regarding the treatment of cleft lip and palate (CLP) patients. Epidemiology with global aspects are discussed. Etioilogy, genetics, and embryology are described in the initial part of the chapter. The importance of an interdisciplinary approach and treatment planning are discussed. The section on surgical treatment includes all aspects of CLP surgery, such as cleft lip repair, cleft palate repair, and alveolar cleft repair. Correction of secondary deformities like maxillary hypopla-sia, oronasal fistulas, and lip–nose deformities is another important part of the chapter. The importance of jaw– orthopedic and speech specialists is emphasized.
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Chapter 45
Cleft Lip and Palate:
An Overview
Radhika Chigurupati, Andrew Heggie, and Krishnamurthy Bonanthaya
This chapter is a comprehensive overview regarding the
treatment of cleft lip and palate (CLP) patients. Epidemiology
with global aspects are discussed. Etioilogy, genetics, and
embryology are described in the initial part of the chapter.
The importance of an interdisciplinary approach and treat-
ment planning are discussed. The section on surgical treat-
ment includes all aspects of CLP surgery, such as cleft lip
repair, cleft palate repair, and alveolar cleft repair.
Correction of secondary deformities like maxillary hypopla-
sia, oronasal fistulas, and lip–nose deformities is another
important part of the chapter. The importance of jaw–
orthopedic and speech specialists is emphasized.
Global burden of birth defects: cleft lip and palate
Etiology and genetics
Interdisciplinary management of the cleft individual
Prenatal diagnosis
General assessment
Feeding and nutrition
Ear, nose, and throat evaluation
Presurgical orthopedics
Cleft lip repair
Unilateral cleft lip
Bilateral cleft lip
Repair of cleft palate
Timing of repair
Surgical anatomy
Principles and techniques of palate repair
Speech and velopharyngeal dysfunction
Correction of oronasal fistulae
Orthodontic management of the cleft individual
Alveolar cleft repair
Replacement of absent teeth in the line of the cleft
Surgical correction of maxillary hypoplasia
Technical considerations for cleft orthognathic surgery
Conventional orthognathic surgery vs. distraction osteogenesis
Surgical correction of secondary lip and nose deformities
Secondary lip deformities
Cleft nasal deformity
Cleft septorhinoplasty
Global burden of birth defects:
cleft lip and palate
More than four million children are born with birth
defects worldwide every year. Craniofacial anomalies
comprise a large fraction of all human birth defects,
less frequent only than congenital heart disorders
and clubfoot. Cleft lip with or without palate (CL/P)
is the most common craniofacial birth defect with an
estimated quarter of a million affected babies born
each year in the world. This malformation shows
considerable variation across geographic regions and
ethnic groups and has significant medical, psycho-
logical, social, and economic ramifications.1 It is a
costly public health problem with an average lifetime
treatment cost per child in the US estimated to be
roughly $101 000.2
The World Health Organization (WHO) and most
cleft organizations across the globe recommend inter-
disciplinary care by a team of specialists. In reality,
however, surgical and non-surgical treatment is often
fragmented and dictated by socio-economic factors
and access to medical facilities. In developing coun-
tries, particularly in rural areas, care is often neglected
due to social beliefs and lack of awareness, or initiated
late due to restricted resources and inadequate access.
The delay in treatment and intermittent care by local
or overseas cleft mission surgeons, combined with
incomplete follow-up, results in poor outcomes with
unnecessary complications. More recently, some
humanitarian non-profit organizations supporting
cleft care have changed their aid philosophy. They
are identifying centers with a potential to deliver
quality care in low- and middle-income countries and
4 Dentofacial Deformities
providing support for the physicians, staff, and hos-
pital infrastructure, helping to establish parameters
of care, as well as monitoring treatment outcomes at
these centers.3
Birth defects are emerging as a cause of neonatal
mortality in countries that have made progress in
control of infectious diseases and malnutrition. The
strategies proposed to reduce the global impact of
birth defects include: (1) effective family planning,
genetic counseling, and prenatal diagnosis; (2) educa-
tion for couples to decrease maternal exposure to
avoidable environmental risk factors such as tobacco,
alcohol, and teratogenic medications; (3) improving
periconception maternal intake of micronutrients
such as folic acid (400 μg); and (4) improving the
availability of medical and surgical care locally for
the affected infants. National leadership and commit-
ment are essential for proper surveillance of birth
defects, infant mortality, and to monitor the clinical
and cost effectiveness of various interventions.4,5
The WHO initiative for collaborative craniofacial
anomalies research has identified areas of uncertainty
in clinical care and efforts are being made to conduct
trials with sufficiently large samples of patients to
provide evidence for treatment strategies. Initial
research efforts have focused on addressing surgical,
anesthetic, and nursing care for patients with cranio-
facial anomalies in developing countries. Surgical
techniques for repair of various cleft sub-types and
correction of velopharyngeal insufficiency are being
evaluated. Adjunctive services such as use of prophy-
lactic ventilation tubes, presurgical orthopedics, psy-
chological counseling, speech therapy, and feeding
interventions before and after surgery are also being
monitored and assessed. An international database of
craniofacial anomalies has been established to
improve answers to questions relevant to individuals
with cleft and craniofacial anomalies, their families,
and health care providers.6
Cleft lip with or without palate (CL/P) has an aver-
age birth prevalence of 1:700 ranging from 1:500 to
1:2000, depending on the race (Table 45.1). There are
wide ethnic variations with highest occurrence in
Native Americans (3.6:1000), followed by Asians
(2.1:1000 Japanese births and 1.7:1000 Chinese births),
Caucasians (1:1000), and lowest in those of African
descent (0.3:1000). Cleft of palate only (CP), which
differs genetically from CL/P, has birth prevalence
rate of 1:2000 and is more similar across all popula-
tions.7–13 About half of the oral clefts involve lip and
palate (46%), a third of the clefts involve only the pal-
ate (33%), and clefts of lip alone account for 21%. CL/
P is more often unilateral than bilateral and more
common in males than females. The unilateral defects
occur more often on the left side than the right side.
Clefts of lip occur in the ratio of 6:3:1 for unilateral
left, unilateral right, and bilateral.14 CP is more com-
mon in females and more often associated with other
developmental anomalies.
Clefts are referred to as non-syndromic and syn-
dromic, based on their association with other anoma-
lies. About 50% of CP and 10% of CL/P are associated
with a syndrome.15–17 Some common syndromes
associated with cleft lip and palate include Van der
Woude, Treacher Collins syndrome, Down syn-
drome, oro-facial digital syndrome, Opitz syndrome,
craniofacial microsomia, and fetal alcohol syn-
drome.18 Nearly half of the syndromic cleft palate
presentations are associated with the triad of micro-
gnthia, glossoptosis, and airway obstruction (Pierre
Robin sequence). The most common syndromic pre-
sentations of this triad are Stickler's syndrome,
accounting for 25%, and velo-cardio-facial (VCF) syn-
drome, accounting for 15% of all syndromic cleft pal-
ate individuals.19
Etiology and genetics
Non-syndromic CLP is a complex trait with multifac-
torial etiology, resulting from gene–gene and gene–
environmental interactions. Identification of key
genes contributing to the genesis of orofacial clefts
will help in early diagnosis, disease prevention, or
possibly developing adjunctive therapies.The most
recent estimates suggest that anywhere from 3–14
genes contribute to cleft lip and palate.20,21 Candidate
genes and loci responsible for non-syndromic CLP
have been identified on chromosomes 1, 2, 4, 6, 11, 14,
17, and 19.22–24 Two genes IRF6 and MSX-1 now seem
to explain about 15% of isolated CLP. Important con-
tributors to CL/P are variants of interferon regulatory
growth factor (IRF 6) gene, whose function is related
to the formation of connective tissue. Mutations in
IRF6 lead to Van der Woude and popliteal pterygium
syndromes. Mutations in other genes, TBX22, FGFR1,
and P63, also contribute to syndromic clefts.25,26
Table 45.1 Epidemiology of oral clefts
Distribution of oral clefts
Cleft lip and palate 46%
Cleft palate only 33%
Cleft lip only 21%
Cleft lip and palate
Average birth prevalence 1:700
More common in males
Unilateral > bilateral
Left side > right side
Association with other anomalies 10%
Cleft palate only
Average birth prevalence 1:2000
More common in females
Association with other anomalies 50–60%
Cleft Lip and Palate: An Overview 5
Aberrant transforming growth factor beta-3 (TGF-β 3)
signaling plays a role in the pathogenesis of cleft
Environmental factors that contribute to the etiol-
ogy of facial clefting disorders include cigarette
smoking,27–30 folic acid deficiency during the pericon-
ceptional period,31,32 maternal exposure to alcohol
and teratogenic medications such as retinoids, corti-
costeroids, and anticonvulsants (phenytoin and
valproic acid).23 Co-sanguinous marriages, maternal
diabetes, and obesity have also been linked to an
increased risk of orofacial clefts. Less consistent asso-
ciations have been found between clefts and maternal
viral infections such as rubella and varicella.6,19
Studies conducted to determine the risk of having
a child with CL/P show that every parent has about a
0.14% (1:700) chance of having a child with a cleft.
The risk of recurrence of a cleft condition is deter-
mined by a number of factors, including the number
of family members with clefts, their relationship to
family members with clefts, race and sex of the affect-
ed individuals, and the type of cleft. Studies show
that the recurrence risk for first-degree relatives is
about 3.3% for CL/P and for isolated CP it is 2%.33
Once parents have a child with a cleft the risk of hav-
ing a second child with a cleft is about 2–5%, and after
two affected children that risk rises to 9–12%.34,35 In
twins with CLP and those with isolated CP, the con-
cordance is far greater for monozygotic twins than
for dizygotic twins.19 Parents and young adults
should be counseled appropriately by a geneticist so
that they are in a better position to make decisions
about future pregnancies.
The embryologic development of the face begins at
4 weeks after conception from the neural crest ecto-
mesenchyme that forms five prominences; the fronto-
nasal process, and paired maxillary and mandibular
processes surrounding a central depression. During
the fifth and sixth weeks of embryonic development,
bilateral maxillary processes derived from first bra-
chial arch fuse with the medial nasal process to form
the upper lip, alveolus, and the primary palate
(Fig. 45.1).
The lateral nasal process forms the alar structures
of the nose. The lower lip and jaw are formed by the
mandibular processes. This process of formation of
the face is the consequence of a cascade of processes
that involve cell proliferation, cell differentiation, cell
adhesion, and apoptosis. Failure or error in any of
these cellular processes that lead to fusion of the
medial nasal process with the lateral nasal and maxil-
lary process can cause orofacial clefts (Fig. 45.2). The
1st pharyngeal
Hyoid arch
Nasal pit
Lateral nasal
Fig. 45.1 (a) Schematic diagram showing embryonic develop-
ment of face at 6 weeks. (b) Electron microscopy showing the
development of face of a 37-day-old human embryo. The nasal
pit (NP) is surrounded by the medial nasal process (MNP) and
lateral nasal process (LNP) and maxillary process (MAX).
(Adapted and redrawn from Sperber, GH. Craniofacial
Development. Hamilton: BC Decker Inc, 2001.)
(c) (d)
Fig. 45.2 Orofacial clefts resulting from errors during embry-
onic development of face. (a) Unilateral cleft of upper lip.
(b) Bilateral cleft of the upper lip. (c) Midline cleft of the upper
lip and nose. (d) Median mandibular cleft. (Adapted and
redrawn from Sperber, GH. Craniofacial Development . Hamilton:
BC Decker Inc, 2001.)
6 Dentofacial Deformities
molecular events that underlie these cellular process-
es are under the control of a strict array of genes that
include fibroblast growth factors (FGFs), sonic hedge-
hog (SHH), bone morphogenic proteins (BMPs), and
members of the transforming growth factor beta
(TGF-β ) superfamily and other transcription factors.10
The formation of the secondary palate begins during
the sixth week after conception from the two palatal
shelves, which extend from the internal aspect of the
maxillary processes. During the eighth week, these
bilateral maxillary palatal shelves after ascending to
an appropriate position above the tongue, fuse with
each other and the primary palate. A disruption in
the fusion of these embryonic components can occur
due to delay in elevation of the palatal shelves from
vertical to horizontal, defective shelf fusion or post-
fusion rupture resulting in a cleft of the secondary
palate (Fig. 45.3).36
In order to standarize documentation and com-
municate effectively, various types of classification
systems have been described. The early Veau classifi-
cation included groups 1–4 with increasing severity
of clefting:
• group 1 – cleft of the soft palate;
• group 2 – cleft of the hard and soft palate up to
incisive foramen;
• group 3 – complete unilateral cleft lip and palate;
• group 4 – complete bilateral cleft lip and palate.
However, this classification is not always adequate
to document the variations. The more sophisticated
schematic diagrams, such as the one described by
Kernahan and Stark have been used recently
(Fig. 45.4).37 Berkowitz used a simple classification
for labio-palatine clefts:
1. Clefts of lip and alveolus.
2. Clefts of primary (including lip) and secondary
3. Clefts of secondary palate only.
4. Submucous cleft.
Interdisciplinary management of
the cleft individual
The idea of interdisciplinary care is to coordinate
treatment by multiple specialists in a timely fashion
with an aim of achieving normality in all aspects,
including feeding, breathing, speech, hearing, align-
ment of teeth, appearance, and overall psychological
and physical development. The timing of surgical
and non-surgical interventions should coincide with
the physical, cognitive, and social development of the
child (Table 45.2). Cleft teams generally include a
craniomaxillofacial surgeon, pediatrician, nurse
practitioner, speech pathologist, orthodontist, social
Fig. 45.3 Coronal scanning electron microscopy photos of human embryo showing the stages of formation of the palate at 8–9
weeks. (a) Development of palate showing palatal shelves and tongue position. (b) The vertical orientation of the palatal shelves on
either side of tongue. (c) Palatal shelves elevate and (d) fuse with each other and the nasal septum in the midline.
Cleft Lip and Palate: An Overview 7
worker, and geneticist. Experience in Scandinavian
countries and a multicenter Euro-cleft study has dem-
onstrated that standardization, centralization, and
participation of surgeons who perform a large num-
ber of cleft procedures produce better surgical results
in terms of speech, appearance, and facial growth.38
However, this cannot be applied to all countries, par-
ticularly those with a high volume of cleft individuals
and a limited number of care facilities.
Prenatal diagnosis
Interdisciplinary team care begins with prenatal
diagnosis and parental counseling. With the advent
of sophisticated high resolution three-dimensional
(3D) ultrasonography and genetic tests for screening
of birth defects, intrauterine diagnosis of cleft lip is
possible. Early diagnosis of a cleft of the lip should
alert the obstetrician of the possibility of other mal-
formations that may require further investigations.
While early diagnosis may help parents to be better
prepared, the advent of such a capability raises both
ethical and psychological issues, such as dilemma of
termination of birth. Physicians and surgeons have
to inform parents that CLP in the absence of other
major systemic anomalies is a treatable non-life-
threatening condition. The cleft team also can discuss
feeding issues, timing of lip and palate surgery, and
help establish contact with support groups for the
Transvaginal ultrasonography may reveal a cleft
of lip as early as 11 weeks whereas 16–20 weeks is
ideal for transabdominal ultrasonography. Several
factors may influence the accuracy of ultrasound
studies: sophistication of the scanning equipment;
experience and skill of the sonographer; number of
weeks into pregnancy; position of the baby while
scanning; amount of amniotic fluid; maternal body
structure; and severity of cleft.
Premaxillary protrusion is an important clue to the
presence of cleft lip and cleft palate and may be more
conspicuous than the cleft itself. The presence of a
paranasal echogenic mass favors the presence of
bilateral cleft lip and cleft palate. Clefts of palate alone
are rarely visualized on ultrasound.40 The majority of
the cases of orofacial clefts are detected antenatally. A
recent study by Johnson et al . showed that the fre-
quencies of prenatal diagnosis for CLP, cleft lip only,
and CP only were 33.3%, 20.3%, and 0.3%, respective-
ly.41 Although the benefits of fetal healing have been
well documented, at this time there is no indication
for intrauterine repair of the cleft lip deformity as the
Nasal floor
Hard palate
Fig. 45.4 Kernahan and Stark classification of clefts. Kernahan's
striped-Y classification: areas 1 and 5 represent the right and
left sides of nasal floor, 2 and 6 represent the right and left sides
of the lip respectively. The alveolus is represented by areas 3
and 7, the hard palate anterior to the incisive foramen by areas
4 and 8, the hard palate posterior to the incisive foramen by
areas 9 and 10, and the soft palate by area 11. (From Millard Jr
DR. The unilateral deformity. In: Cleft Craft: The Evolution of its
Surgery, Vol 1. Boston, MA: Little, Brown, 1977; 52.)
Table 45.2 Interdisciplinary care of the cleft patient
Diagnosis and parental counseling
0–6 months
General assessment for associated anomalies
ENT evaluation – breathing, feeding, swallowing, and hearing
Presurgical orthopedics (0–3 months)
Primary lip repair ( 3–4 months)
6 months – 2 years
Speech and oral sensory motor assessment
Grommets/ear tubes (as needed)
Primary palate repair ( 9–12 months)
Preschool: 3–5 years
Dental care
Speech assessment and therapy (continue as needed)
Assess need for lip revision
Childhood: 6–12 years
Correction of velo-pharyngeal dysfunction (as needed)
Orthodontic treatment – phase I
Alveolar cleft repair (8–11 years)
Adolescence: 13–18 years
Orthodontic treatment – phase II
Orthognathic surgery (if needed) – 14–16 years (female),
16–18 years (male)
Revision chielo-rhinoplasty
Replacement of missing teeth (as needed)
8 Dentofacial Deformities
risk of fetal surgery is far too high both for the fetus
and mother for correction of this non-life-threatening
General assessment
Every child born with a CL/P should be thoroughly
assessed by complete physical examination and nec-
essary diagnostic tests to check for associated sys-
temic abnormalities, including congenital heart, renal,
or airway anomalies. If the child is delivered in a non-
medical facility or a small hospital they should be
referred to a tertiary hospital with specialists or a cra-
niofacial team for further evaluation. A proper airway
assessment, and counseling for nutrition and feeding
should be initiated immediately.
Feeding and nutrition
Feeding is one of the first concerns in a child born
with a CL/P. Parents should be taught how to feed
the baby and informed about various feeding nipples
that can deliver more milk under less pressure. The
goal is to provide adequate nutrition to satisfy the
caloric requirements and avoid failure to thrive. The
team nurse generally provides the parents with infor-
mation on feeding before birth or immediately after
birth. Children with cleft lip only without a cleft pal-
ate may have some difficulty in creating a seal around
the nipple but generally can be breast fed before and
after lip surgery. However, the presence of a cleft pal-
ate makes it difficult to create a negative pressure that
is necessary to feed. Four randomized clinical trials
conducted with a total of 232 babies showed that
squeezable bottles may be easier to use than rigid
bottles for children with CL/P. There was no statisti-
cal difference found in growth outcomes of children
with CL/P who were fitted with a passive palatal
appliance to help with feeding and those without an
appliance.42,43 A feeding tube is rarely necessary
except in infants with other associated anomalies,
particularly airway anomalies.
Ear, nose, and throat evaluation
A proper airway assessment should be priority for a
newborn with congenital craniofacial anomalies.
Infants are obligate nasal breathers. It is important to
check if there is obstruction at any level in the upper
or lower airway, including the nares and choanae.
Children born with a cleft of the palate may have
associated micrognathia, glossoptosis, and airway
obstruction (Fig. 45.5). In these children, one should
look for signs of increased effort while breathing,
stridor, weight loss, and failure to thrive. Parents
should be informed to watch for an abnormal breath-
ing pattern or respiratory distress, particularly during
upper respiratory tract infection. If there are signs of
obstruction, a pediatric otolaryngologist should con-
sulted to perform an endoscopic evaluation of upper
and lower airway to look for possible any cause of
An audiology assessment is recommended soon
after birth to check for hearing abnormalities. Children
with cleft palate exhibit a higher frequency of otitis
media prior to palate repair than those without clefts.
Middle ear ventilation disorders due to eustachian
tube dysfunction can cause conductive hearing loss.
This can also contribute to speech and language delay
in these children. Although not as common as con-
ductive hearing loss, sensorinerual hearing deficits
exist within the cleft population and it has an affect
on speech perception and clarity, as well as auditory
comprehension skills.44,45 Early speech and language
stimulation and an initial speech evaluation no later
than 6 months after birth is recommended for chil-
dren with clefts of palate.
Presurgical orthopedics
The benefits of presurgical orthopedics include better
alignment of the alveolar segments and premaxilla,
tension-free approximation of the cleft lip edges,
and improvement of nostril symmetry and shape.
Presurgical orthopedics was introduced in the man-
agement of clefts by McNeill and Burston. They initi-
ated the use of a palatal acrylic plate in order to bring
the collapsed maxillary alveolar segments into proper
alignment prior to lip surgery. Latham described use
of an active expansion device to align the collapsed
lateral maxillary segments and retract the premaxilla
in complete bilateral clefts, and to achieve symmetry
of the alveolar arch in complete unilateral clefts.46,47
Grayson and others have shown that gentle appli-
cation of presurgical orthopedic forces to mold the
alveolar segments and the nostrils within 0–3 months
of birth has shown some benefits in correction of the
nasal deformity in children with complete bilateral
CLP and wide unilateral clefts. Nasoalveolar mold-
ing increases the surface area of the nasal mucosal
lining. It also helps with elongation of the columella
and making the columella upright. This preoperative
expansion of the nasal lining allows suturing of inter-
domal cartilages without tension and decreases wid-
ening of the nose (Fig. 45.6).48–51
Fig. 45.5 Child with Pierre Robin sequence (PRS) showing a
wide cleft of palate, small lower jaw, and a retropositioned
tongue in the cleft obstructing the airway.
Cleft Lip and Palate: An Overview 9
There is a wide variation in the availability of
expertise and cost of treatment when it comes to
infant presurgical orthopedics or nasoalveolar mold-
ing. In recent years, several centers have reported the
adoption of this technique to improve the outcomes
of lip and nose repair, especially in complete bilateral
CLP.52,53 It is important to evaluate these recent stud-
ies critically for their overall clinical and cost effec-
tiveness. Non-surgical lip adhesion with tape is a
cost-effective and simple technique that can bring
the alveolar segments closer to facilitate cheiloplasty
in infants with wide clefts of the lip and palate
(Fig. 45.7).
Fig. 45.6 (a) Baby with a bilateral cleft lip and palate showing
protrusion of premaxilla before nasoalveolar molding.
(b) Nasoalveolar molding appliance. (c) Nasoalveolar molding
appliance in position to expand nasal soft tissues and align the
alveolar cleft segments. Note the position of premaxilla in
(d) frontal and (e) lateral views after nasoalveolar molding.
(Courtesy of Dr. Oberoi, UCSF Center for Craniofacial
(a) (b)
Fig. 45.7 (a–d) These photos illustrate that simple presurgical
orthopedic techniques, such as lip taping, can be used to align
the cleft alveolar segments prior to lip repair.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
10 Dentofacial Deformities
Cleft lip repair
The goal of primary lip repair is to reconstruct a func-
tional lip with minimal scarring and normal appear-
ance. The timing for primary lip repair is usually
between 3 and 6 months after birth. Most craniofacial
centers follow the rule of ten's to ensure that the
infant is fit for the surgical procedure. This rule
implies that the infant should be at least 10 weeks of
age, weigh at least 10 lbs, and have a hemoglobin
level of at least 10 g/100 ml. Some centers have
reported lip repair in children with lower hemoglobin
levels (8 g/100 ml) with no deleterious effects. In
low- and middle-income countries, infants are often
malnourished and proper feeding and nutrition
counseling is essential to prepare them for lip surgery
by 3 months.54 Lip repair is performed under general
anesthesia with an Oral RAE® endotracheal tube
taped to the midline of lower lip without distorting
the commissure. Postoperative care includes keeping
the wound clean by preventing crusting and using
antibiotic cream; in some centers arm restraints are
also used for 7–10 days.
A surgical lip adhesion may be preferred as an ini-
tial surgical procedure within 6–8 weeks after birth in
some centers. Lip adhesion helps to align the maxil-
lary alveolar segments and achieve a tension-free
definitive lip repair at a later date. Good approxima-
tion of the alveolar segments also allows the surgeon
to perform a gingivoperiosteoplasty at the time of
definitive cheiloplasty. The disadvantages of convert-
ing the complete cleft lip to an incomplete one by lip
adhesion are the need for an extra operation and the
possibility of excising more tissue at the time of
definitive lip repair. Non-surgical orthopedic tech-
niques during the first 6–8 weeks after birth, as
described earlier in this chapter, can produce good
alignment of the alveolar segments.
Unilateral cleft lip
Surgical anatomy
Unilateral cleft lip is an asymmetric deformity that
presents with a multitude of inherent anatomic varia-
tions (Fig. 45.8). The most visible anatomic abnormali-
ties of the complete unilateral cleft lip and nose
deformity are due to the abnormal position of the
orbicularis oris muscle. After fetal dissections, Fara
noted that in a complete cleft lip, the fibers of the
orbicularis oris muscle instead of proceeding hori-
zontally from the commissure towards the midline
turn upward along the margins of the cleft. The fibers
of the orbicularis terminate medially beneath the base
of the columella and laterally beneath the alar base
and periosteum of the piriform rim.55 It is these
abnormal muscle attachments and pull, that cause
the typical bulge on the unrepaired cleft lip, distor-
tion of the ala of the nose, and deflection of anterior
nasal spine and septum of the nose. The nasal defor-
mity is proportionate to the severity of clefting. There
is slumping of the alar cartilage on the cleft side lead-
ing to an asymmetric nasal tip. The alar base is dis-
placed laterally, inferiorly, and posteriorly leading to
a widened nasal aperture. There is shortening of the
medial crus of the alar cartilage and lack of overlap of
upper and lower lateral cartilages. The columella and
the caudal edge of the septum and anterior nasal
spine are deviated to the non-cleft side.56
Evolution of unilateral cleft lip repair
Several surgeons, including, Rose (1891), Thompson
(1912), Blair (1930), Le Mesurier (1949), Tennison and
Randall (1952), and Skoog (1974), have contributed to
the evolution of cleft lip repair, but the most popular
technique was introduced by Millard (1955) who
described the rotation–advancement concept. Today
(a) (b)
Fig. 45.8 (a–c) Variations of the unilateral cleft lip and palate deformity. The typi-
cal features of the abnormal anatomy in UCLP are seen in these photos. There is
vertical shortening of the lip at the cleft margins, obicularis oris muscle fibers ter-
minate medially beneath the base of the columella and laterally beneath the alar
base. Fibers of orbicularis oris in the lateral segment are more hypoplastic and do
not extend up to the cleft margin. Note the discrepancy of vermilion width with
excess vermilion at the cleft margin on the lateral side compared to the medial side.
The maxillary alveolus exhibits asymmetry with an upward and outward rotation
of the greater segment.
Cleft Lip and Palate: An Overview 11
various modifications of the rotation–advancement
technique by Millard are used to repair the unilateral
cleft lip deformity.57 In Millard's technique the medial
flap is rotated downward to achieve length, while the
lateral flap is advanced (Fig. 45.9). It is an extremely
versatile procedure that the surgeon can modify or
adjust while operating. The advantage of this tech-
nique is that the suture line lies on the recreated phil-
tral column and incision allows easy access for
primary rhinoplasty to reposition the nasal septum,
lower lateral cartilage, and alar base. The main disad-
vantage is that the inexperienced surgeon requires
good surgical judgment during the operation as it is
not based on exact measurements. The triangular flap
technique, described by Tennison and Randall, is
based on exact measurements, can be reproduced
well, and used more easily in wide clefts of the lip.58
Principles of repair of unilateral cleft lip and
An adequate repair of the unilateral lip deformity
should correct the alignment of the orbicularis oris
muscle, create a cupid's bow and philtral column on
the affected side. In the unilateral defect the normal
side can be used as a guide to identify the key points
and to plan the incisions on the cleft side. Despite
inherent variations there are some similarities that
form the basis of the guiding principles in surgical
repair of this deformity (Fig. 45.10).57
1. Rotation or lengthening of shortened vertical
height of lip. The difference in the vertical length
of the lip from the height of the cupid's bow to the
base of the columella between the non-cleft side
and the cleft side indicates the amount of rotation
and back cut necessary. The medial lip element
(non-cleft side) is rotated inferiorly to achieve ade-
quate length and symmetry of the cupid's bow.
2. Advancement of flap of tissue from lateral to
medial. The flap of tissue from lateral should be
advanced in to the lip on the medial segment. It is
important to release the abnormally inserted para-
nasal and facial muscles at the alar base by sub-
periosteal dissection in order to approximate the
edges without tension.
3. Retaining cupid's bow and creating a philtral col-
umn. Approximation of the cleft edges should be
achieved without loss of natural landmarks: the
cupid's bow, philtral dimple, and philtral column.
The scar of union of cleft edges should be placed
along a natural line – the philtral column. Creating
a good philtral column requires proper approxi-
mation of the muscle and tension-free closure of
the overlying skin.
4. Muscle reconstruction. The muscle bellies should
be dissected within the skin and mucosal envelope.
The muscles should be approximated with inter-
rupted mattress sutures. The muscles at the base of
the columella and ala should be dissected and
approximated to help reposition the distorted
nasal structures.
5. Restoration of the alveolar continuity. If the alveo-
lar segments are closely approximated a gingivo-
periosteoplasty can be performed at the time of
primary lip repair to achieve a continuous alveolar
6. Primary repair of the distorted nasal anatomy.
This requires wide undermining of the skin drape
Fig. 45.9 (a) Markings of the key points and incisions for repair
of the unilateral cleft lip using the Millard rotation–advance-
ment principle: lengthening the shortened vertical height of the
lip on the medial side to match the lateral, and advancing the
flap of tissue from lateral to medial. (b) Markings of the key
points and incisions for repair of the unilateral cleft lip using
the triangular flap technique.
Fig. 45.10 Unilateral cleft lip repair. (a) Preoperative and
(b) postoperative views of lip repair performed by a modified
Millard technique.
(a) (b)
12 Dentofacial Deformities
cal cupid's bow. The premaxilla is protuberant and
sometimes deviated to one side making tension-free
approximation of muscle and cleft margins difficult.
The orbicularis oris muscle which is in the lateral lip
elements inserts at the alar base on each side. The
accompanying nasal deformity consists of a columella
that is abnormally short, a wide nasal tip, and a flared
alar base due to the malpositioned, splayed alar carti-
lages. The variations of bilateral CLP deformity are
shown in the Fig. 45.12.
Evolution of bilateral cleft lip repair
The evolution of repair of the bilateral cleft lip over
the years has shown that it is best to repair both sides
of the cleft lip at the same time. In many centers today,
primary nasal correction is performed along with the
repair of the lip. The observation that the alar carti-
lages are splayed and rotated caudally was important
in the evolution of primary rhinoplasty in cleft lip
repair. The fear of growth interference when nasal
cartilage is manipulated during primary repair has
been one of the reasons for delaying nasal repair. For
many years forked flaps were used to lengthen the
columella, but McComb and Mulliken emphasized
the importance of early positioning of the alar carti-
lages and unraveled the problem of the short colu-
mella and broad nasal tip in the bilateral cleft lip.
McComb, after reviewing his initial work over a peri-
od of 15 years, found that the nostril shape was still
abnormal, the tip remained broad, and columella was
very long.62 He proposed primary nasal correction by
repositioning the alar cartilages through a vertical
skin incision.63 Over the years, the techniques that
have been used for repair of the bilateral cleft lip
and nose deformity include: the straight line closure
or veau III operation; Tennison's triangular flap
technique (similar to unilateral repair); Millard's
technique; Manchester, Skoog, Black, and Mulliken
Principles of repair of bilateral cleft lip and
The basic principles guiding repair of the bilateral
cleft lip deformity are: maintaining symmetry; estab-
Fig. 45.11 These figures show primary nasal deformity correc-
tion in the unilateral cleft lip. (a) Wide undermining of the skin
drape over the lateral crura of the alar cartilages. (b) Suturing of
the alar dome.
over the lateral crura of the alar cartilages and
repositioning of the nasal septum with a suture
(Fig. 45.11). Long-term results of primary rhino-
plasty by McComb and others show that the out-
comes are better and there is no decrease in overall
size or nasal growth inhibition after primary
Bilateral cleft lip
Surgical anatomy
Bilateral cleft lip repair is much more challenging and
the results are often less satisfactory than those of
unilateral cleft lip. Complete bilateral clefts of lip are
rare, accounting for only 10% of cleft lips and there-
fore the experience in treating these deformities is
limited. The typical anatomical abnormalities that
make the bilateral cleft lip deformity so difficult to
repair are the absence of muscle in the prolabial seg-
ment, resulting in lack of philtral dimple, philtral col-
umns, white roll margin and the median tubercle.
The prolabium lacks the angular peaks and the typi-
Fig. 45.12 (a, b) Variations of the bilateral cleft lip and palate
deformity. These photos show the typical anatomical abnor-
malities seen in individuals with complete bilateral clefts of lip
and palate: lack of muscle in the prolabium, lack of the angular
peaks and typical dip of cupid's bow, lack of a definite philtral
ridge or dimple in the prolabium, abnormally short and wide
columella, lack of adequate labial sulcus depth in the premaxil-
lary area, and flat nasal tip and flared alar base.
Cleft Lip and Palate: An Overview 13
lishing muscle continuity; designing the prolabial
flap to achieve appropriate philtral width and shape;
forming a cupid's bow and median tubercle from the
lateral labial tissue; and finally repositioning the alar
cartilages to construct the nasal tip and columella
(Fig. 45.13). The principles outlined here are those of
the Mulliken simultaneous lip and nose repair.
1. Establishing symmetry. Performing both sides
simultaneously allows achievement of symmetry.
2. Designing a prolabial flap of appropriate width.
The design and width of the prolabial flap should
be narrow and biconcave to avoid a wide abnor-
mal philtrum as the child grows. This width should
be roughly 4 mm at the columella base and 6 mm at
the peak of the cupid's bow. The mucosa of the
prolabium can been used either to deepen the sul-
cus in the premaxillary region or to reconstruct the
lip. The author's preference is to use it to deepen
the labial sulcus which is usually shallow.
3. Forming the cupid's bow and median tubercle
from lateral lip elements. The prolabium usually
has a very narrow strip of vermillion and hence, in
the majority of cases, reconstruction of the vermil-
lion in the mid portion of the lip presents a difficult
problem. The incision on the prolabium is made at
the mucocutaneous junction and lateral lip vermil-
lion flaps are be used to reconstruct of the central
portion of the vermillion or the tubercle.
4. Establishing muscle continuity. In a complete
bilateral cleft the prolabium is devoid of muscle
fibers. Establishing continuity of muscle beneath
the skin of the prolabium is the only way to recon-
struct a normal functioning lip. The muscle fibres
that are inserted at the alar base on each side are
released and reoriented to be approximated in the
midline with vertical mattress sutures. This may
be difficult, particularly at the upper edge of the
lip in wide clefts or a cleft with protruding pre-
maxillae. While a sulcular incision bilaterally
beneath the lateral lip elements is essential to
mobilize the lip and achieve tension-free closure,
the debate has centered on whether the incision
should be subperiosteal or supraperiosteal. The
author's preference is to perform a subperiosteal
dissection following Delaire's principles.65,66
5. Reconstruction of the nasal tip and columella. The
lower lateral cartilages should be mobilized ade-
quately from the overlying skin by wide dissection
and undermining. The splayed cartilage domes
can be approached by combining rim incisions
with the prolabial flap. The lower lateral cartilages
are repositioned anatomically and fixed with
interdomal mattress sutures to create the tip and
6. Repositioning the alar base. The nasal musculature
must be mobilized by performing a subperiosteal
dissection along the piriform rim and the wide alar
base must be cinched with a suture to the base of
the anterior nasal spine.
7. Management of the premaxilla. A protruding pre-
maxilla in a complete bilateral CLP can impede the
approximation of the lip wound edges with a
tension-free closure. This can result in a wide scar
and a poor cosmetic result. It is therefore impor-
tant to reposition the premaxilla in the appropriate
position with presurgical orthopedics whenever
Repair of cleft palate
The goals of palate repair are to normalize speech by
surgical approximation and realignment of the aber-
Fig. 45.13 Repair of bilateral cleft lip and palate. (a) Key points
to be marked for bilateral cleft lip repair. (b) Designing prolabial
flap. (c) Forming cupid's bow and median tubercle from lateral
lip elements. (d) Preoperative and (e) postoperative views of a
child with bilateral cleft lip repaired by modified Mulliken
14 Dentofacial Deformities
rant attachments of the palatal muscles, and to seal
the communication between the oral and nasal cavi-
ties without fistulae.
Timing of repair
The timing of palate repair to achieve optimal speech
with minimal facial growth disturbance has been
one of the more debated issues in cleft literature.
Historically, cleft repair of the hard palate was
delayed to minimize impairment of maxillofacial
growth. It is now well accepted, and evidence in the
literature shows, that speech outcomes are better
when soft and hard palate repair is completed before
speech development.67 Palate surgery is therefore
timed according to the infant's speech developmental
stage rather than chronologic age. For most children
developing normally, this is around 9–12 months.
The majority of the surgeons repair the palate (i.e.
hard and soft palate) in one stage before 12 months of
age.68 Some recommend a two-stage repair with soft
palate repair as early as 3–6 months, at the time of
primary lip repair, and hard palate by 12–15 months
of age.69 Children with cleft palate often have other
anomalies and it may be necessary to modify the tim-
ing of repair in the presence of comorbidities, particu-
larly airway anomalies. Repair of the palate may be
delayed up to 14–16 months of age if there are con-
cerns of airway obstruction. Premature babies and
infants with micrognathia are particularly at increased
risk for postoperative episodes of apnea after palate
Surgical anatomy
Cleft of the palate can range from a minor submucous
cleft affecting only the soft palate to a complete bilat-
eral cleft affecting the primary and secondary palate.
It is important to look for overt signs of a submucous
cleft if there is any suspicison. These signs include a
bifid uvula, notching of the posterior nasal spine or
translucency in the mid palatine region of the soft
palate due to lack of muscle.
The muscles of soft palate that help with the func-
tion of speech and swallowing include the levator
palatini, tensor palatini, palatopharyngeus, palato-
glossus, and musculus uvulae. The soft palate in a
non-cleft individual acts as a muscular valve that can
lift superiorly and posteriorly to appose the pharyn-
geal wall and achieve velopharyngeal closure during
speech. In a child with an unrepaired cleft the soft
palate cannot function as a muscular valve. This is
due to the abnormal orientation and attachment of
the muscles, primarily the levator palatini. The bun-
dles of the levator on each side are longitudinally
directed to insert into the posterior edge of the pala-
tine bone instead of joining in the midline in a trans-
verse orientation and inserting into the palatine
aponeurosis (Fig. 45.14).70,71 In addition, the sphincter
action of the palatoglossus, palatopharyngeus, and
superior constrictor muscles at oropharyngeal aper-
ture is compromised leading to velopharyngeal
insufficiency. The tensor palatini muscle fibers, which
control the opening of the eustachian tube and aerate
the middle ear, do not function optimally, often lead-
ing to chronic otitis media.
Eustachian tube
Soft palate
Superior fibers of
superior constrictor
Palatine aponeurosis
(from tensor)
Ten so r Ten sor
Palatine process
of maxilla
(a) (b)
Fig. 45.14 (a) The muscle attachments in a normal palate.
(b) Note abnormal attachments of muscle in a cleft palate. (c) A
cleft of the secondary palate. (d) A bilateral cleft palate where
neither palatal shelves fuse with the nasal septum, leaving a
wide cleft in the midline.
Cleft Lip and Palate: An Overview 15
Principles and techniques of palate
The main principle of cleft palate repair is to detach
and retropose the abnormal insertion of the levator
palatini and join the muscles of both halves of the soft
palate in the midline at the junction of the middle and
posterior third of the soft palate, in order to achieve
proper elevation of the soft palate.72 In the hard
palate, the most important principle is to reflect
mucoperiosteal flaps based on the grater palatine
arteries which emerge from the greater palatine fora-
men bilaterally at the postero-lateral area of the hard
Cleft palate surgical treatment dates back to the
1760s when a French dentist, Le Monnier, first
attempted repair. Several other surgeons, including
Philbert Roux, Carl Ferdinad Von Graefe, and Johann
Dieffenbach, subsequently described techniques to
repair the palate. It was Von Langenbeck, who first
described the use of mucoperiosteal flaps for cleft
palate surgery.73,74 Kriens, in 1969, first introduced
the concept of an anatomical approach to veloplasty
by restoring the levator sling.72 The choice of surgical
technique depends of the type of cleft. At the time of
the primary palatoplasty the ears should be inspected.
If there is evidence of serous otitis, a myringotomy is
performed and fluid aspirated with placement of
grommets or ventilating tubes in the myringotomy
The two-flap palatoplasty is a commonly used
surgical technique for repair of the complete unilater-
al and bilateral cleft of the palate. The edges of the
cleft are incised from the alveolus to the base of the
uvula and bilateral full-thickness mucoperiosteal
flaps are reflected (Fig. 45.15). The levator palatini
muscles are released and dissected to be repositioned
horizontally and sutured. Bilateral releasing incisions
are made to decrease the tension in the midline.75
For the cleft of the secondary palate a Von
Langenbeck repair can be used. In this technique
bilateral releaxing incisions are made and the muco-
periosteum is elevated to complete the stripping and
closure of nasal layer, muscle, and oral layers as
shown in Fig. 45.16a. The Veau–Wardwill–Kilner (V–
Y pushback) technique, named after Thomas Kilner,
Victor Veau, and William Wardwill, is used less often
for repair of cleft of secondary palate. In this tech-
nique the oral mucosa is divided anteriorly, which
may lengthen the palate but leaves areas of exposed
bone in the anterior hard palate that can potentially
cause maxillary growth disturbances. The double
reversing Furlow Z-plasty was introduced by
Dr. Leonard Furlow Jr in 1978.76 This technique uses
two reversed Z-plasties of the oral and nasal mucosa
to repair the cleft. It has two advantages: restoring
the normal anatomic position of the levator palatini
in the middle and posterior third of soft palate
and increasing soft palate length (Fig. 45.16b).
Complications of palatoplasty include postoperative
bleeding, airway obstruction, wound dehiscence, and
fistula formation. Care should be taken to achieve
adequate intraoperative hemostasis and careful post-
operative monitoring is essential to avoid airway
Speech and velopharyngeal
Children with palatal clefts are at risk for a wide
range of speech problems related to resonance, articu-
lation, phonation, learning, and language delay.
These speech abnormalities can be caused by velo-
pharyngeal insufficiency, oronasal fistula, weak lip
pressure, abnormal tongue pressure, malpositioned
teeth, abnormal jaw relationship, neuromuscular
dysfunction, and conductive or sensorineural hearing
loss. It is important to identify and associate the cause
Fig. 45.15 (a) Classic two-flap palatoplasty showing two pedi-
cled palatal mucoperiosteal flaps and closure of muscle and
nasal mucosa. (b) The two flaps are brought together by good
approximation of the oral layer over the nasal layer.
16 Dentofacial Deformities
with effect. Assessment of speech should begin as
early as 6 months of age and be monitored through-
out adolescence.
Speech in cleft individuals often has a nasal quality.
This perceived hypernasality during speech is typi-
cally due to incomplete closure of the velopharyngeal
port which separates the nasal cavity from the oral
cavity during speech production. Typically, velopha-
ryngeal insufficiency (VPI) refers to the inability of
the soft palate and the posterior and lateral pharyn-
geal walls to come together to create a seal during
speech production. Nasal air escape during speech
may be due to an unrepaired submucous cleft of the
palate or after palatal repair due to lack of sufficient
soft palate length or impaired movement secondary
to scar tissue. It may be due to improper position of
the palatal musculature impeding elevation of the
soft palate, or ineffective oropharyngeal sphincter
closure, or due to fistulae in the hard or soft palate.
Assessment of speech for VPI has to be both clini-
cal and instrumental. Clinical assessment of resonance
characteristics is best performed as a child's articula-
tory repertoire develops. Non-instrumental testing
utilizing visualization of airflow with a reflecting
mirror and nasal pinching often assists with the pre-
diction of velopharyngeal function during speech. If
deficits are identified, then further assessment using
nasendoscopy to assess posterior and lateral pharyn-
geal wall motion or videoflouroscopy is indicated.
Nasopharyngoscopy is a diagnostic tool for evalua-
tion of velopharyngeal function that helps the sur-
geon to make a decision regarding the need for
therapeutic intervention. Small-diameter pediatric
flexible endoscopes with a good light source and topi-
cal anesthetic for nasal mucosa will help children
become more compliant with this procedure.
Studies show the need for surgical correction of
VPI range from 4–30%.77,78 The most effective method
for correction of VPI is controversial but the choice of
the procedure depends on cause and the where the
abnormality is found: lateral or posterior pharyngeal
wall.79 A posterior flap pharyngoplasty is indicated
when there is limited or lack of posterior wall motion.
The flap may be superiorly or inferiorly based. A
superiorly based flap, with the base at the level of the
tubercle of the atlas and insertion into the soft palate,
is more popular than the inferiorly based flap. A lat-
eral pharyngoplasty is advocated for managing
decreased lateral wall motion by creating a dynamic
sphincter to control the size of the pharyngeal orifice.
This was first described Orticochea and modified by
Jackson.80 The sphincter is created by posterior tonsil-
lar pillars, including the palatopharyngeus muscle,
which are raised and sutured end to end.81
Correction of oronasal fistulae
One of the complications of primary cleft palate repair
is failure of healing or breakdown of wound resulting
in oronasal fistulae. Fistulae can occur at any location
in the hard or soft palate. The reports on incidence of
fistula formation are variable and range from 2–43%.
Incidence of oronasal fistulae depends on several
variables, including experience of the surgeon and
age at the time of repair; it is less often related to the
type of repair and severity of cleft deformity. The
most significant variable seems to be the experience
of the surgeon.77,82,83
Repair of the fistula varies according to its ana-
tomical location, whether it is in the anterior or poste-
rior part of the palate. Various local pedicled flaps
Fig. 45.16 (a) The Von Langenbeck technique of palatoplasty is generally used for clefts of the secondary palate. (b) Schematic dia-
gram of Furlow Z-plasty technique, showing the reverse opposing double Z-plasty of muscle and mucosa.
Cleft Lip and Palate: An Overview 17
have been described to close the defect. Posteriorly or
anteriorly based tongue flaps, musculo-mucosal flaps
based on the facial artery, a temporalis flap, or local
palatal mucoperiosteal flaps can be used to close fis-
tulae. More recently, interpositional grafts made of
acellular dermis have been used to achieve tension-
free closure of oronasal fistulae.84 It is important to
have at least a two-layered closure without tension
and maintain good supply to the flap in order to
achieve a watertight seal of the defect without recur-
rence. Almost all of the fistulae can be repaired by
local pedicled flaps as described above. However,
occasionally a vascularized flap may be helpful in
closure of a scarred palate with a large defect.
Orthodontic management of the
cleft individual
The orthodontist plays an important role in the care
of the cleft individual during infancy, mixed denti-
tion and permanent dentition (Table 45.3). Presurgical
orthopedic treatment is facilitated by the orthodontist
at 2–10 weeks after birth in infants with wide clefts
and poorly aligned alveolar segments or a protruding
premaxilla. In the early mixed dentition phase, chil-
dren with complete clefts of lip and palate often have
a posterior and anterior crossbite. The crossbite is
asymmetric in unilateral clefts, affecting mainly the
lesser segment or cleft side. In bilateral clefts, there is
collapse of both lateral segments with a bilateral pos-
terior crossbite and protrusion of the premaxilla. The
goal of orthodontic treatment in this phase is to pre-
pare for repair of the alveolar cleft by expanding the
maxillary alveolar segments, and correcting the posi-
tion of rotated maxillary incisors. The use of a quad
helix or a screw expansion device allows greater
expansion in the anterior maxillary arch (Fig. 45.17).
Monitoring facial growth during childhood and
early adolescence helps to identify early signs of max-
illary hypoplasia and allows intervention if indicated.
Maxillary growth may be restricted in the vertical,
transverse, and antero-posterior dimensions in chil-
dren with complete CLP. These children may benefit
from maxillary protraction using a reverse-pull head-
gear or early maxillary osteotomy and distraction
osteogenesis to minimize the severity of deformity.85
The typical orthodontic treatment for a cleft patient
following the eruption of the permanent teeth con-
sists of maintaining maxillary arch width after repair
of alveolar cleft, and alignment of teeth with full fixed
appliances. This should be timed appropriately based
on need for surgery, the individual's growth poten-
tial, and ability to cooperate and maintain oral
hygiene. Extraction of teeth may be necessary, partic-
ularly in the mandibular arch, if there is arch length
deficiency. When surgery is indicated orthodontic
treatment is coordinated with timing of growth com-
pletion, which is around age 15–16 years for females
and 17–19 years for males. It is important to integrate
the plan for the replacement or substitution of the
absent maxillary lateral incisor and any other missing
teeth into the orthodontic treatment plan.86
Alveolar cleft repair
The primary goal of alveolar cleft repair is to establish
bony continuity of the maxillary alveolar ridge, pro-
vide bone support for the teeth adjacent to the cleft,
and seal the communication between the nose and
oral cavity when there is a patent oronasal fistula. A
successful alveolar bone graft should facilitate erup-
tion and orthodontic movement of teeth in the line of
the cleft (most often the maxillary canine), maintain
the health of the periodontium of teeth adjacent to the
cleft, provide alar base support, and improve nasal
symmetry.87–89 Gingivoperiosteoplasty performed at
Table 45.3 Orthodontic management in cleft individuals
Age Treatment
2–10 weeks Presurgical orthopedics
6–10 years Phase I orthodontics:
Maxillary expansion for alveolar bone grafting
Maxillary protraction with face mask when
10–14 years Maintain maxillary expansion and alignment of
Monitor facial growth and eruption of
permanent teeth
Orthodontic treatment with distraction of
maxilla if deficiency is severe
14–18 years Phase II orthodontics:
Orthodontic treatment with full fixed appliances
to align teeth
Prepare for orthognathic surgery when
Extract teeth if arch is crowded
Decide whether to replace/substitute the absent
maxillary lateral incisor
Fig. 45.17 Orthodontic expansion in a bilateral cleft of lip and
palate. (a) Collapsed alveolar cleft segments with decreased
anterior maxillary arch width. (b) This maxillary expansion
device allows greater increase in arch width in the anterior
region more than the posterior region. (c) Maxillary width being
maintained after expansion.
(a) (b)
18 Dentofacial Deformities
the time of primary lip repair may seal the oronasal
communication but does not always preclude the
need for a bone graft. Some studies show that at least
40–50% of these patients require bone grafting in the
future.90–92 More recently, Meazzini et al. have shown
that patients who had a gingivoperiosteoplasty at the
time of primary repair did not require bone grafting
at a later date, however, they report a greater need for
surgical correction of maxillary hypoplasia.93
The timing, source of bone, the surgical technique,
perioperative management, and outcome of bone
grafting have all be studied and debated. The terms
primary bone grafting (2–5 years of age) secondary
bone grafting (7–11 years of age), and late secondary
bone grafting (14–18 years of age) have been used to
define the time of alveolar cleft repair.94,95 The major-
ity of the centers use secondary alveolar bone grafting
in the mixed dentition phase between the ages of 7
and 11 years, after maxillary expansion. Typically,
this coincides with one hals to two thirds of root
development of the maxillary canine or lateral incisor
(if present) in the line of the cleft. Completion of the
maxillary expansion prior to grafting provides ade-
quate access to the cleft defect and aligns the cleft
segments better.
The gold standard for the grafting material has
been particulate corticocancellous bone marrow
harvested from the Iliac crest, which was first
described by Boyne and Sands.96 Other sites that have
been described include rib, symphysis, calvarium,
and tibia.97 More recently, the use of bone growth
factors, such as recombinant human bone morpho-
genic protein-2 (rhBMP-2), has been shown to be
effective in grafting the defect. BMP-2 is an attractive
bone substitute that promotes differentiation of pluri-
potential cells into cells that can form new bone in the
defect. This eliminates donor site morbidity and mini-
mizes hospital stay and postoperative pain and
New imaging techniques, such as cone-beam com-
puted tomography, allow more accurate assessment
of the volume of the bony defect before surgery and
radiographic outcome of the grafted alveolus after
surgery when compared to the conventional two-
dimensional periapical and panoramic radiographs
used previously.
The principles of surgical repair are the same for
unilateral and bilateral clefts and include: proper clo-
sure of nasal floor mucosa to seal the communication
between the nose and oral cavity; removal of super-
numerary teeth in the cleft defect; filling the defect
with cancellous bone; and approximation of the oral
mucosa on the labial and palatal aspects to achieve a
watertight closure over the grafted bone, as illustrated
in Fig. 45.18. In the bilateral cleft, the position of the
premaxilla makes the repair more technically chal-
lenging. The premaxilla is often inferiorly positioned,
and retruded with the incisors located below the level
of the occlusal plane. In some instances, the position
of the premaxilla can be corrected by presurgical
orthodontics, however in others it may have to be
corrected by performing a vomerine osteotomy at the
time of surgical alveolar cleft repair. The osteoto-
Fig. 45.18 Alveolar cleft repair. (a) Schematic diagram of the
alveolar cleft showing closure of the nasal and oral mucosa.
(b) The alveolar cleft deformity is visible and nasal mucosa is
closed to seal the communication between the oral and nasal
cavities. (c) Cancellous bone is packed into the defect after clo-
sure of the palatal oral mucosa.
Cleft Lip and Palate: An Overview 19
mized premaxilla has to be maintained in position
with a splint for 4–6 weeks postoperatively.101,102
The amount of maxillary arch expansion prior to
surgery should be planned and monitored. Too much
presurgical expansion of the lateral segments leaves a
large palatal defect making it difficult to advance the
scarred palatal mucoperiosteal flaps to cover the bone
graft, and too little expansion limits surgical access to
the alveolar cleft. After alveolar cleft repair, orth-
odontic tooth movement, if necessary, can be initiated
in 3–4 months. The maxillary width achieved by pre-
surgical expansion should be maintained after sur-
gery with a palatal retainer until phase II orthodontic
treatment begins at a later date.
Replacement of absent teeth in
the line of the cleft
Congenital absence of the maxillary lateral incisor in
the line of the cleft can be managed appropriately by
closing the space and substituting the adjacent canine
in its position or by opening space and replacing it
with a fixed or removable prosthesis. The experience
at the center for cleft and craniofacial anomalies at
the University of California has shown success of
implants in grafted unilateral clefts is better than in
bilateral clefts. In the bilateral cases the periodontal
health of the central incisors is very often compro-
mised, and the lateral incisors are also absent. The
substitution of the lateral incisor with the adjacent
canine is cost effective; however, it can result in loss
of arch length and decrease in transverse dimension
of the maxillary arch. It can also be unesthetic due to
the asymmetry in tooth size and shape in unilateral
cases. Replacement with an endosseous implant is an
option when there is adequate space and bone quan-
tity. There may be inadequate bone at the time of
placement of the implant even if the alveolar cleft was
repaired previously.103 Alveolar ridge augmentation
with a cortical onlay graft performed about 4 months
prior to placement of the implant will provide ade-
quate bone height and width for placement of the
implant (Fig. 45.19). A removable prosthesis should
also be considered when there is loss of premaxilla,
severe deficiency of bone height and width with scar-
ring of the overlying soft tissues tissue, and lack of lip
support. Use of teeth-supported fixed prosthetic res-
torations, such as a bridge, across the unrepaired
alveolar cleft segments should be avoided, as move-
ment of the cleft segments results in failure of the
prosthesis and loss of abutment teeth.
Surgical correction of maxillary
Cleft lip and palate patients exhibit varying degrees
of maxillary hypoplasia due to restriction of midfacial
growth that is apparent in the sagittal, vertical, and
transverse dimensions. This midface deficiency can
be attributed partly to the intrinsic reduction in
growth potential due to the congenital malformation
and partly as a result of scar contracture following
primary palate surgery.104–106 The maxillary deficien-
cy caused by the cleft deformity is superimposed
upon the genetically inherited skeletal growth pat-
tern. Hence, an underlying inherited pattern of exces-
sive mandibular growth can present as severe
midfacial deficiency and a class III malocclusion in a
cleft patient (Fig. 45.20). Regardless of the etiology of
maxillary hypoplasia, approximately 25% (reported
range 14–50%) of cleft individuals undergo surgical
correction of maxillary hypoplasia.107–110 This wide
range highlights the differing indications for skeletal
correction by cleft team specialists. Their decisions
are influenced by differing treatment philosophies
(orthodontic management with dental compensation
vs. surgical maxillary advancement to address facial
esthetics and occlusion more comprehensively), the
availability of appropriately trained surgeons, and
hospital/government funding. Good et al. reported
Fig. 45.19 Replacement of missing lateral incisor. (a) Alveolar ridge augmentation with a cortical bone onlay is often necessary to
increase width and height, before placement of an implant in the grafted cleft site. (b) Unilateral cleft with a missing lateral incisor
replaced with an endosseous implant.
20 Dentofacial Deformities
that the frequency of a Le Fort I osteotomy for correc-
tion of maxillary hypoplasia correlated with the
severity of clefting.109
Technical considerations for cleft
orthognathic surgery
Surgical correction of maxillary hypoplasia is usually
performed after growth is completed, unless indicat-
ed earlier for psychological reasons. When the skeletal
discrepancy is severe, a combined maxillary advance-
ment and mandibular reduction can be performed as
seen in Fig. 45.21. A staged advancement of the max-
illa can be considered, particularly when the mandible
is in a normal position. Early surgical maxillary
advancement before the completion of growth will
help to minimize the reverse overjet and potentially
avoid or decrease the magnitude of mandibular
reduction at a later date. An example of staged maxil-
lary advancement is shown in Fig. 45.22. In the last
decade, distraction osteogenesis of the facial skeleton
has become popular and facilitated substantial maxil-
lary advancement without the need for mandibular
osteotomies and bone grafting.111
Orthognathic surgery in the cleft patient is much
more challenging than in the non-cleft patient.
Anesthetic management may sometimes be difficult
due to the presence of a deviated nasal septum and/
or a pharyngeal flap. It may be necessary to use a
fiberoptic-assisted technique or pass the endotracheal
tube over a more rigid tube or catheter. The vascular-
ity of the labial and palatal mucoperiosteal tissues is
invariably affected by previous surgical procedures
for lip and palate repair. Drommer and Luhr demon-
strated with the use of angiography that the greater
palatine arteries were significantly smaller in 10 of 24
sides in 12 cleft patients prior to maxillary advance-
ment.112 When making mucosal incisions to provide
access for the osteotomies, care should be taken to
maintain a generous buccal pedicle, preserve the
greater palatine arteries if possible, and to avoid
unnecessary trauma to the palatal and buccal soft tis-
sue pedicles. Failure to do so may result in the loss of
attached gingival tissues, bone and teeth.
The nasal mucosa and palatal mucosa are fused in
the region of the cleft due to the primary palate repair.
This tissue should be incised close to the nasal floor
just prior to the "down-fracture". Attenuation of scar
tissue close to the nasal floor is necessary to free the
maxilla during the down-fracture. Mobilization of
the maxilla after down-fracture is more difficult due
to the palatal scar tissue and/or a pharyngeal flap. In
some cases, release or division of the pharyngeal flap
may be indicated to reposition the maxilla into the
desired position. The primary palatal repair often
results in more bone formation and stronger union at
Fig. 45.20 Maxillary growth in a child with a unilateral cleft lip and palate. (a) Note the signs of maxillary deficiency are apparent in
the profile view at 9 years in this child with a unilateral cleft lip and palate. (b) The severe deficiency of the maxilla in anteroposterior
and vertical dimensions and its relative position to the mandible are seen at 15 years of age.
(a) (b)
Cleft Lip and Palate: An Overview 21
the pterygo-maxillary junction. Use of a curved chisel
to osteotomize directly through the maxillary tuber-
osities rather than the dense bone of the ptergo-
maxillary junction is helpful to complete this posterior
osteotomy. Complete mobilization to achieve suffi-
cient advancement requires progressive, careful
stretching as the tissues are less compliant than nor-
mal tissues.
The maxillary deficiency in the vertical, transverse,
and sagittal dimensions makes bone grafting a neces-
sity for cleft maxillary osteotomies performed by
conventional orthognathic surgery. A persistent oro-
nasal fistula and alveolar cleft defect, when present,
require careful soft tissue closure and bone grafting.
The maxilla can separate into two segments during
the down-fracture and mobilization even when the
Fig. 45.21 Cleft orthognathic surgery. An 18-year-old female with secondary skeletal
and soft tissue deformities of bilateral CLP corrected with maxillary and mandibular
osteotomies, and cheilo-rhinoplasty. (a) Before and (b) after in frontal view. (c) Before
and (d) after in profile view. (e) Preoperative occlusion reveals anterior and posterior
crossbite. (f) Postoperative occlusion after combined orthodontic and surgical
Fig. 45.22 Cleft orthognathic surgery. Radiographs of 18 year-old male with unilateral CLP and severe maxillary hypoplasia cor-
rected by staged orthognathic surgery. (a) Preoperative lateral cephalometric radiograph. (b) Postoperative view after initial maxil-
lary advancement. (c) Postoperative view after maxillary advancement and mandibular setback.
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(e) (f) (g)
(a) (b) (c)
22 Dentofacial Deformities
Fig. 45.23 (a) A schematic diagram illustrating a Le Fort I osteotomy with simultaneous repair of the unilateral alveolar cleft defect.
(b) Corticocancellous bone harvested from the anterior iliac crest can be used to graft the cleft site and osteotomy gap created by
advancement and inferior repositioning. (c) Profile view before maxillary advancement and alveolar cleft repair. (d) Profile view
after maxillary advancement and alveolar cleft repair. (e) Frontal view shows mild deficiency of midface with poor alar base support.
(f) Frontal view in smile shows better midface projection.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
Cleft Lip and Palate: An Overview 23
alveolar cleft site has been previously grafted.
Corticocancellous bone harvested from the anterior
iliac crest can be used to graft the residual alveolar
cleft defect, to bridge the gap at the osteotomy site
after anterior and inferior repositioning of the maxilla,
and to augment the deficient area at the piriform rim
on the cleft side (Fig. 45.23).
Rigid fixation with plates and screws has to be
performed carefully as the quantity and quality of
bone is often compromised. When there is deficiency
of the midface and malar region, adjunctive proce-
dures, such as zygomatic osteotomies or a modified
Le Fort I osteotomy, can enhance cheek prominence
and facial contours (Fig. 45.24).
The soft tissue of the upper lip may be tight with a
shallow vestibular depth and deficient vermillion
show that may become worse following maxillary
advancement. When closing the incision, incorporat-
ing a V–Y design to minimize lip shortening should
be considered. Alar flaring is a common problem in
the distorted cleft nose following a large maxillary
advancement. An alar base suture passed in a figure-
of-eight fashion through the anterior nasal spine will
help to maintain a satisfactory alar base width.
VPI after maxillary advancement has been well
documented.113,114 The predictability of VPI after con-
ventional orthognathic surgery is based on premorbid
speech. If there is moderate to severe insufficiency
prior to maxillary advancement it is more likely that
individuals will need postsurgical pharyngeal flap or
pharyngoplasty. It is therefore important that these
patients are thoroughly assessed for VPI prior to cleft
maxillary surgery.115
Conventional orthognathic surgery
vs. distraction osteogenesis
Postoperative stability after maxillary osteotomy is
less favorable in the cleft than in the non-cleft patient.
Relapse in the cleft individual is mainly due to the
inability to mobilize the maxilla adequately. The tight
scarred soft tissue envelope of the palate and upper
lip limit the ability to mobilize and achieve the desired
movement. Despite bone grafting and rigid internal
fixation, relapse in the sagittal and vertical dimen-
sions after maxillary osteotomy has been reported in
several studies.116–121 Distraction osteogenesis can
overcome some of the difficulties encountered with
mobilization and stability in conventional orthogna-
thic surgery: it is the technique of gradually reposi-
tioning the osteotomized bone segments while
forming new bone in the gap created by the osteoto-
my. Distraction osteogenesis is technique sensitive,
costly, and requires patient cooperation and surgical
expertise to properly align, place, and activate the
device in order to achieve a good outcome.
Polley and Figueroa first described the use of a
rigid external frame to distract the maxilla in a series
of cleft individuals. They demonstrated a mean
advancement of 11.7 mm.122 Since then, several
centers have reported their experiences in maxillary
distraction in cleft individuals using face masks to
provide the external anchorage123,124 and internal dis-
tractors.125 A meta-analysis of literature from 1996–
2003 by Cheung et al. on cleft maxillary osteotomy
and distraction osteogenesis showed that majority of
patients who underwent conventional maxillary
osteotomies were older (16–20 years) compared to
those who had distraction (11–15 years). The mean
advancement for both groups was similar but larger
maximum advancement was achieved in the distrac-
tion group. The most commonly used system was the
rigid external distractor (RED) device.126 They subse-
quently conducted a randomized, controlled study
comparing maxillary distraction and orthognathic
surgery in 29 non-growing, cleft patients. Intraoral
distractors were used in 15 patients in the distraction
group and routine miniplate fixation for the 14
patients in the orthognathic surgery group. Clinical
Fig. 45.24 (a, b) Midface osteotomy including the zygoma and
infraorbital rim for correction of severe midface deficiency.
24 Dentofacial Deformities
morbidity and stability were assessed using a ques-
tionnaire and lateral cephalometric tracings respec-
tively. It was found that there was no significant
difference in the clinical morbidities but the maxillary
movement in the distraction group was more stable
than in orthognathic repositioning group. Skeletal
relapse was evident in the first 3 months following
conventional cleft maxillary advancement.127
Improved stability and speech, and marked improve-
ment in hard and soft tissue profile were also reported
for distraction by other investigators.128–131 In a 2-year
follow-up of 12 cleft patients with moderate to severe
maxillary retrusion who underwent distraction with
internal distractors, a mean maxillary advancement
of 14 mm with good stability was reported by
Rachmiel et al.125 At the Royal Children's Hospital of
Melbourne internal distractors have been used over
the past 10 years in select cases. Unlike external
distractors, the internal distractors lack three-
dimensional control and particularly the ability to
manage the vertical vector. Other disadvantages of
internal distraction include a limitation of distractor
length and the need for a separate procedure for
removal. External frames are bulky and uncomfort-
able, but provide better vector control and changes
can be made to the vector during distraction. Also
there is no need for a separate procedure to remove
the distractor (Fig. 45.25).
For severe maxillary hypoplasia in the cleft patient,
distraction is considered an option as an interim pro-
cedure during growth. The aim is to minimize or
eliminate the need for mandibular reduction where
the mandible is within normal dimensions and rela-
tionship to the facial structure. Distraction obviates
the need for internal fixation and bone grafting but
disadvantages include prolonged facial edema and
the occasional inflammatory response to the trans-
mucosal presence of the device activation arms.
Traditional staged maxillary advancements remain a
predictable option for patients, but the ability to pro-
duce large advancements using distraction is attrac-
tive in those with marked retrusion. Fig. 45.26
illustrates correction of severe maxillary hypoplasia
with distraction. As more clinical studies evaluate the
results of midfacial distraction techniques in compari-
son with conventional osteotomies, it is hoped that
protocols can be developed to reflect the best timing
and indication for each technique.
Surgical correction of secondary
lip and nose deformities
The final phase of treatment for the cleft patient
involves correction of the residual lip and nasal
deformities to achieve balanced facial esthetics.
Typically, the lip and nose revision is performed dur-
ing late adolescence after skeletal correction of maxil-
lary hypoplasia, and after postsurgical orthodontic
treatment is completed to provide a stable dental
Secondary lip deformities
Secondary lip deformities that require correction are
mainly asymmetries or disproportions. For the major-
ity of patients where the primary repair was carefully
planned and executed, secondary lip revisions are
minor. In unilateral cleft lip patients, the residual
deformities include mismatch of the cutaneous–
vermillion line, notching of the vermillion or a
"whistle deformity", vertical shortening of the lateral
lip element, a hypertrophic scar, and poor muscle
function due to a discontinuity of the orbicularis
Notching or mismatch at the vermillion– cutaneous
junction can be corrected by realignment, small trian-
gular flaps or a Z-plasty procedure. A poorly defined
tubercle can be corrected by a V–Y advancement. It is
important to differentiate and maintain the zone of
wet and dry mucosa when correcting these deformi-
ties. Vertical shortening of the lip after a Millard
repair is due to underestimation of the vertical height
and inadequate rotation of lip on the non-cleft side at
the time of primary repair. Shortening of the lip can
also result from severe scar contracture. Correction of
a prominent scar with inadequate lip length and com-
promised muscle function requires a full-thickness
revision where all three layers (skin, muscle, and
mucosa) have to be cleanly dissected and meticulous-
ly repaired (Fig. 45.27).
In the case of a poorly repaired bilateral cleft lip,
the deformity can present as a tight upper lip with
poorly defined philtral columns and cupid's bow, a
short and wide prolabium, poor vermillion show in
the center, unsightly scars, exposed wet mucosa, and
a shallow labial sulcus. Deficiency of the labial sulcus
can be corrected by releasing the scar and performing
a Z-plasty. In the case of a tight upper lip, an Abbe
flap can be used successfully for reconstruction of the
upper lip deformity. This is an axial pattern flap con-
sisting of vermillion, mucosa, skin, and muscle from
the lower lip described by Abbe in 1898. The advan-
Fig. 45.25 (a) An internal maxillary distractor (KLS Martin) in
place secured above and below the Le Fort I osteotomy. (b) A
rigid external distractor (RED) provides skeletal anchorage
with the head frame in a young female with maxillary
(a) (b)
Cleft Lip and Palate: An Overview 25
Figure 45.26 Maxillary advancement with internal distraction. (a) Preoperative profile view of 19-year-old male with severe maxil-
lary deficiency and large reverse overjet. (b) Lateral cephalometric radiographic after osteotomy and placement of distractor.
(c) Postoperative radiograph 6 months after removal of distractors showing some relapse. (d) Postoperative facial profile view shows
improvement in midface projection and nasal tip support. (e) Bone generated at the osteotomy site by maxillary distraction
(a) (b)
(c) (d) (e)
tages of this flap are that it carries the dimple from
the lower lip to form a philtral dimple in the cupid's
bow and the scars give the semblance of philtral
Cleft nasal deformity
Asymmetry and distortion of the nasal morphology
is often the most obvious feature of an individual
with a cleft. Correction of the nasal deformity in cleft
individuals is a challenge due to soft tissue distor-
tions, scarring, nasal stenosis, and uneven bony foun-
dations. Primary correction of the cleft nose deformity
is performed by most surgeons today. This does not
eliminate the need for a secondary rhinoplasty, but,
better results can be achieved as the deformity may
be less severe.133 The pathological anatomy in the
unilateral cleft nose is an asymmetric nasal pyramid,
hypoplastic maxilla on the cleft side, and hypertro-
phied inferior turbinate with deviation of the anterior
nasal spine and base of columella to the non-cleft
side. There is inadequate nasal tip support, posterior
and inferior displacement of the dome of the alar car-
tilage, and inward buckling of the ala on the cleft
side.134 The bilateral cleft nose is less asymmetrical
and the predominant deformity is that of a short colu-
mella. Other features of the nasal deformity include a
broad downward-rotated nasal tip that lacks support,
lower lateral cartilage domes that are widely separat-
ed, and lateral splaying of the alar rims with nostril
apertures more horizontally oriented.
Cleft septorhinoplasty
There is a wide variation in timing for secondary
nasal revisions, with some authors recommending
26 Dentofacial Deformities
Fig. 45.27 (a) Whistle notch deformity of a unilateral repaired cleft lip. (b) Lip contour following naso-labial revision.
(a) (b)
Fig. 45.28 (a, b) Preoperative nasal deformity in frontal and inferior facial views showing collapsed alar cartilage with poor tip sup-
port. (c, d) Postoperative frontal and inferior views facial views following septorhinoplasty show improved tip support and
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Cleft Lip and Palate: An Overview 27
early rhinoplasty. Unless there is a particularly strong
psychological indication or severe nasal obstruction,
definite secondary septorhinoplasty in the cleft
patient should follow skeletal maxillary reconstruc-
tion. The total correction of the cleft nasal deformity
is best approached by an open rhinoplasty under
direct vision. Wide exposure provides access for
mobilization and repair of the collapsed and deformed
alar cartilages.135,136 In unilateral cleft patients, an
open rhinoplasty approach is performed using a
trans-columellar incision combined with rim inci-
sions. Complete degloving of the lower lateral carti-
lages and dissection to the cartilaginous septum
enables a full septoplasty with relocation of the
caudal septum and the harvesting of cartilage grafts
if indicated. Dorsal reduction is commonly undertak-
en with bony osteotomies to restore the bony vault.
Additionally, stiffening the columella by a cartilage
strut is necessary to provide tip projection and sup-
port for a more symmetrical nasal tip. Reshaping the
deficient lateral crus may require a batten graft, and
alar base repositioning may be required to improve
nostril symmetry (Fig. 45.28). In bilateral clefts, vari-
ous approaches, including a V–Y advancement to
lengthen the columella, have been undertaken, but
undesirable scarring is often the outcome. The entire
prolabium can be used to lengthen the columella and
an Abbe flap can be used to fill the upper lip defect.137
The goal is to stretch the nasal tip and to dissect and
approximate the lower lateral cartilages to achieve a
more triangular inferior nasal shape.
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... The cause of these orofacial clefts remains largely unknown [1]. They represent the most common congenital deformities of the orofacial region worldwide [2]. ...
... The embryological formation of the tissues that comprise the craniofacial system is partly derived from the neural crest, which can consequently affect the development of the brain, ocular, and facial structures that develop from this neural crest [2]. Therefore, effects on speech, hearing, vision, appearance, and cognition can lead to long-lasting adverse effects on health and social integration. ...
- Camille Catarina Artuso
- Ana Kelly Fernandes
- Luisa Moreira Hopker
- Luis Ricardo Antunes de Castro
Purpose: To evaluate the prevalence of refractive errors and strabismus in patients with orofacial clefts. Methods: This retrospective study analyzed the medical records of 54 patients with orofacial clefts between August 2018 and March 2020. A complete eye examination was performed, including visual acuity assessment on a logMAR scale, anterior biomicroscopy, cycloplegic refraction, eye motility examination, and indirect ophthalmoscopy. Results: The mean age of the patients at presentation was 9.47 years. Twentythree (42.59%) patients had isolated cleft palate (CP), 10 (18.52%) had cleft lip (CL), and 21 (38.89%) had cleft lip and palate (CLP). The mean spherical equivalent was 1.30D (±1.56) in CL, 0.32D (±2.24) in CLP, and 0.62D (±3.76) in CP. The prevalence of refractive error, either spherical or cylinder >0.5 was 88%. The most common refractive error was hyperopia (60%), followed by astigmatism (54%) and myopia (16%). Overall, 52.63% of the patients were prescribed glasses. No statistically significant difference was observed between the groups with respect to the need for prescription of glasses (p=0.6753). There were 15 patients with some type of strabismus, and other ophthalmological changes were observed in 13 patients. Conclusion: In this population with orofacial clefts, the prevalence of refractive errors and strabismus was 88% and 22%, respectively.
... However, the severity of the final skeletal discrepancy depends not only on the hypoplasia intrinsic to the deformity and the iatrogenic effect of cleft palate repair on subsequent growth of the midface, but also on the underlying pattern of overall facial growth. 2,3 For CLP patients with maxillary hypoplasia and for whom orthognathic surgery is indicated, the basic procedure for surgical correction is the conventional Le Fort I maxillary osteotomy, although gradual lengthening of the maxilla by distraction osteogenesis may be considered if the skeletal discrepancy is severe. ...
... In these situations, the option of maxillary distraction osteogenesis or a staged approach to advance the maxilla may be preferable. 3 In cleft patients, vertical relapse after Le Fort I maxillary osteotomies is much more difficult to control than relapse in the horizontal plane, with most patients experiencing vertical change of 21-25% compared to horizontal change of 6-10% in the first 6 months postoperatively. 26 Inferior repositioning, in particular, has historically been considered one of the most unstable maxillary movements, and the amount of vertical maxillary relapse that has been reported in the cleft literature varies from 0% to almost 70%, representing up to 2.3 mm of vertical change on average. ...
The stability of surgical maxillary advancement in a consecutive series of patients with cleft lip and palate who underwent Le Fort I osteotomy with and without simultaneous mandibular setback surgery was evaluated. Preoperative, postoperative, and follow-up lateral cephalograms of 21 patients were assessed to compare differences in surgical movement and postoperative relapse between two groups: those who underwent maxillary surgery alone and those who underwent bimaxillary surgery. Differences in the number of patients who experienced relapse of <2mm, 2-4mm, and >4mm between the groups were also compared. Mean advancement of the cleft maxilla was 5.5mm in the maxilla only group and 3.6mm in the bimaxillary group, with a mean horizontal relapse of 0.8mm and 0.2mm, respectively. Mean surgical movement in the vertical dimension was comparable in the two groups and the magnitude of vertical relapse was less than 0.4mm overall. Approximately 80% of patients in both groups experienced horizontal relapse of less than 2mm. There was no significant difference in the degree of postoperative relapse between those who had single-jaw surgery and those who had two-jaw surgery.
... At first glance, it may seem a simple process; however, the formation of the facial structures is a complex cascade of events during which cells proliferate, differentiate, adhere, and go through apoptosis. An error during this intricate process can result in orofacial clefts or other abnormalities [1,2]. One of the most common congenital anomalies worldwide is the orofacial cleft. ...
- Jana Goida
- Mara Pilmane
Orofacial clefts are one of the most common congenital anomalies worldwide; however, morphopathogenesis of the clefts is not yet completely understood. Taking the importance of innate immunity into account, the aim of this work was to examine the appearance and distribution of macrophages (M) 1, M2, and TNF-α, as well as to deduce any possible intercorrelations between the three factors in cleft affected lip tissue samples. Twenty samples of soft tissue were collected from children during plastic surgery. Fourteen control tissue samples were obtained during labial frenectomy. Tissues were immunohistochemically stained, analysed by light microscopy using a semi-quantitative method, and the Mann–Whitney U and Spearman's tests were used to evaluate statistical differences and correlations. A statistically significant difference in the distribution was observed only in regard to M1. A weak correlation was observed between M2 and TNF-α but a moderate one between M1 and M2 as well as M1 and TNF-α. However, only the correlation between M1 and M2 was statistically important. The rise in M1, alongside the positive correlation between M1 and TNF-α, suggested a more pro-inflammatory/inflammatory environment in the cleft affected lip tissue. The moderate positive correlation between M1 and M2 indicated an intensification of the protective mechanisms.
- Reza Tabrizi
- Barbad Zamiri
- Hosein Daneste
- Hamidreza Arabion
The aim of this study is to evaluate outcome of bone availability after the secondary alveolar bone graft in 2 age groups: group 1 patients were between 9 and 13 years old and group 2 patients were above 14 years old. Acceptance success criteria (ASC) consisted of sufficient bone height (more than 10 mm), bone width (more than 4 mm), and adequate continuity between maxillary segments. The height and width of alveolar grafted bone were measured by using the cone-beam CT scans. We studied 45 patients who underwent a bone graft in their alveolar cleft in 2 groups (25 patients in group 1 and 20 in group 2). The results showed that as the patients' ages increased, the incidence of ASC significantly decreased. In group 1, 23 patients had ACS (92%), and in group 2, only 4 patients (20%) had ASC. Cleft type did not affect the ASC. The critical age for decreasing ASC was 14.5 years. Our study showed successful outcomes of grafted bone were good when done in the mixed dentition period. Additionally, bone availability was more predictable at the mixed dentition stage.
- Karin Källén
To investigate a possible association between maternal smoking during pregnancy and oral clefts, a study was conducted using Swedish health registries. Infants with oral clefts (N = 1834) were selected among 1,002,742 infants born between 1983 and 1992 with known smoking exposure in early pregnancy. Confounders such as maternal age and parity were controlled for by using the Mantel-Haenszel technique. A statistically significant association with maternal smoking was found. The odds ratio (OR) for any maternal smoking among cases of cleft lip with or without cleft palate [CL(P)] was 1.16 (95%CI: 1.02–1.32). For cases of cleft palate alone (CP), the corresponding OR was 1.29 (95%CI: 1.08–1.54). The results of the present study, based on the largest series of oral cleft cases published to date, indicate that cigarette smoking during pregnancy is associated with increased risks of CL(P) and CP.
- Christian Vacher
- B Pavy
- Jeffrey Ascherman
Objective Hypoptasia of the maxilla, often described as a classic sequela to surgical repair of the cleft palate, has been rare In our experience. We believe that our surgical technique, which includes dividing the nasal mucosa and the abnormal muscular insertions at the posterior border of the hard palate, is an important factor in preventing this sequela. Method We compared the anatomy of 12 normal palates in cadavers to the anatomy of cleft palates seen at operation and to the anatomy of one cleft palate in a fetus aged 34 weeks. Results In cleft palates, the muscular fibers have an abnormal sagittal orientation, inserting on the posterior border of the hard palate. Conclusion The division of both the nasal mucosa and these abnormal muscular insertions at the posterior border of the hard palate enables the surgeon to eliminate the abnormal posterior pull of these fibers on the maxilla.
- Jeffrey Posnick
- Michael Taylor
We present a series of 14 consecutive isolated cleft palate patients aged 17 to 25 years (mean 19 years) who underwent Le Fort 1 maxillary advancement fixed with miniplates by the senior author (Posnick) over the period 1987-1991. Ten of the patients underwent autogenous bone grafting; all were stabilized intraoperatively with four miniplates, a prefabricated acrylic splint, and intermaxillary fixation. The patients were analyzed to determine amount and timing of horizontal and anterior and posterior vertical relapse, correlation between advancement and relapse, effect of a pharyngoplasty in place at time of osteotomy, effect of performing multiple jaw procedures, and maintenance of overjet and overbite. Tracings of preoperative and serial postoperative lateral cephalograms (immediate, 6 to 8 weeks, and 1 year) were analyzed to calculate horizontal and vertical maxillary changes and the amount of overjet and overbite maintained. Clinical follow-up ranged from 1.5 to 5.5 years (mean 2.5 years). No significant difference was seen in vertical or horizontal change or relapse between patients who had maxillary surgery alone (n = 10) and those who had operations in both jaws (n = 4), nor did outcome vary significantly for those who had a pharyngoplasty in place (n = 8) at the time of their Le Fort I osteotomy. The mean "effective" maxillary advancement for the group was 6.4 mm, with 5.4 mm maintained 1 year later (mean relapse 1.0 mm). The mean anterior vertical change of the maxilla was 2.0 mm, with 1.4 mm maintained after 1 year (mean relapse 0.6 mm), while the mean posterior vertical change was 2.7 mm, with 1.9 mm maintained 1 year later (mean relapse 0.8 mm). All patients maintained a positive overjet and overbite. The extent of skeletal relapse in this series fell within a range small enough that problems could be managed effectively through a combination of planned surgical overcorrection and orthodontic treatment. (C)1994American Society of Plastic Surgeons
- Dean Deluke
- Anick Marchand
- Elizabeth C Robles
- Patricia Fox
Purpose: Controversy still exists regarding the optimal timing and surgical technique for primary cleft lip and palate (CLP) repair, and treatment protocols vary considerably. This study reviews the literature on timing and technique for primary repair and reports on the outcome for a consecutive group of patients treated by a single surgical protocol at the Sunnyview Cleft Palate Clinic. Patients and methods: Twenty-eight patients treated by a standardized clinical protocol from infancy through adolescence were evaluated with respect to the need for orthognathic surgery to correct jaw size discrepancy. For each patient, data was collected regarding type of cleft deformity, total number of surgical procedures from infancy, surgeon performing the primary repair, and the need or indication for orthognathic surgery. Results: Twenty-five percent of patients treated by this protocol required orthognathic surgery because of anteroposterior jaw size discrepancy. The number of prior operations was not a significant factor. The need for orthognathic surgery was seen in all types of CLP deformity. Different primary surgeons varied considerably in the percentage of their patients who ultimately required orthognathic surgery. Conclusion: The results of this study parallel other larger cohort studies with respect to the percentage of patients requiring orthognathic surgery. The number of prior operations does not significantly affect the later need for orthognathic surgery.
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